St Paul Youth Sports Association (SPYSA)

The St. Paul Youth Sports Association (SPYSA) organizes the sports programs for our parish youth.    

The CYC has undergone restructuring, turning the 5 districts into 2 regions, and has migrated to a new Team Sideline website.  

All families will need to login/register at the new site to be eligible to register for upcoming programs.

The new site will have additional features that will be a big improvement from the previous site. Please take the time to explore and familiarize your self with everything the CYC has added. Soccer and Volleyball registrations will be shorter than normal due to delays getting the new site up. The current registrations will run through June 2nd for registrations, June 16 for late registrations. After this date, the registrations will be closed by the CYC head office. 


Baseball/Softball registration takes place in January

Soccer registration takes place in May 

Volleyball registration takes place in May 

Basketball registration takes place in October

Spysa Contact


Special note to all coaches, referees, and scorekeepers:

St. Paul Church and School follow the Archdiocese of St. Louis Safe Environment Program (Protecting God's Children). The program is designed to help protect the youth, elderly and vulnerable adults of our parish as they participate in activities within our community.  

Any adult who works or volunteers with young people must register in the Prevent and Protect STL database, attend a Protecting God’s Children workshop, agree to the Code of Ethical Conduct, and agree to undergo a background check.  Student volunteers are required to sign a Code of Ethical Conduct for Minors.  (REGISTRATION DETAILS)

Missouri Department of Social Services Children's Division Child Abuse and Neglect Hotline:  1-800-392-3738

For additional information related to reporting incidents of suspected abuse:

Contact the Office of Child and Youth Protection: 314-792-7704

Safe Environment Office webpage

Archdiocese of St. Louis webpage